Food & Nutrition

How Should I Maintain My Nutritional Wellness Now That I’m Retired?

How Should I Maintain My Nutritional Wellness Now That I’m Retired?
Set of products for healthy food for Seniors. Plate model. Nutrients.
Some nutritional guidance for older Americans, retirees, or people over 50.

Surveys Show that many people, especially older Americans are not getting the nutrition they needs

Even if people consume plenty of food, it does not mean that they are getting enough nutrition. Some early signs that correlate with not getting enough nutrition may include

  • Fatigue, or lack of energy – common side effect of iron deficiency.
  • Sores or skin rash that don’t heal
  • Brittle hair or hair loss
  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhea

As we age, there are certain prevailing changes we can acquaint ourselves with

  • Decrease in Taste; When eating  salty and sweet foods, which can make food taste more bitter or sour.
  • Loss of smell which can lead to food being less appealing and lead to poor food choices
  • The make up of your teeth and how well you chew your food. The arrangement and condition of you dentures can cause people to avoid crunchy or chewy foods.
  • Increase in disassociation between how hydrated your body is how thirsty you are because of changes in the hypothalamus portion of the brain, combined with medications that can increase a person’s fluid needs.
  • Higher constipation and gas,  which can cause people to negate vital fruits and vegetables
  • Kidney functions are less able to conserve fluid and the condition can become acute after the age of 70.

As we get older our bodies have different needs, so certain nutrients become especially important for good health

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Calcium and Vitamin D: Older adults need more calcium and vitamin D to help maintain bone health.
  • Vitamin B12: Many people older than 50 do not get enough vitamin B12. Fiber. …

Potassium. …Know Your Fats.

Start by eating breakfast every day and try to eat health

The digestive system slows down with age, so high-fiber fruits, vegetables and whole grains are as important as ever. Select high-fiber foods like whole-grain breads and cereals, beans, vegetables, and fruits. Have three servings of vitamin D-fortified low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, or cheese every day to help keep your bones strong as you age. The USDA food patterns suggest people to choose health foods every day from the following:

  • Fruits:1-1/2 to 2-1/2 cups. In other words, A -inch peach or 1/4 cup of dried fruit
  • Vegetables: 2 to 3-1/2 cups which equates to two cups of uncooked leafy vegetable.
  • Grains: 5 to 10 ounces – A small muffin, a slice of bread, a cup of flaked, ready-to-eat cereal, or ½ cup of cooked rice or pasta
  • Protein foods: 5 to 7 ounces which equates to One egg, ¼ cup of cooked beans or tofu, ½ ounce of nuts or seeds, or 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
  • Dairy foods: 3 cups of fat-free or low-fat milk or one cup of yogurt or 1-1/2 to 2 ounces of cheese.
  • Oils: 5 to 8 teaspoons – Foods like olives, nuts, and avocado have a lot of oil in them.
  • Solid fats and added sugars: keep the amount at a small level.

Drink plenty of water or water-based fluids

Keeping hydrated helps kidneys work better, cognition remain clearer, and medications get better absorbed. Coffee, tea, soups, popsicles, and juicy fruits and vegetables all contribute to a person’s healthy hydration.

Focus on prevention

  • Get information on medication management
  • Get some sleep
  • Remember mental health
  • Screen for vision changes
  • Socialize
  • Stay physically active


The information provided above is for educational purposes, and expresses my knowledge and experience working in the New York City Metropolitan area. The intention of this post is to help equip seniors, family, and friends with resources and information that can help you live a better and healthier life.

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About the author

Medicare Health Advisor

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